Testimony of Senator Dilan Re: Broadway Triangle Rezoning Hearing

Martin Malavé Dilan

November 19, 2009

Testimony given by Matthew Trapasso, Policy and Legislative Director, State Senator Martin Malave Dilan 

"Good morning.  My name is  Matt Trapasso and I am State Senator Martin Malave Dilan’s Policy and Legislative Director.  I would like to first thank the City Council and this committee for giving me the opportunity to offer testimony on behalf of Senator Dilan for this critical rezoning of an area which he represents.  Senator Dilan wishes to use this
hearing to express his full support for this rezoning.  As a longtime advocate for affordable housing in North Brooklyn and throughout New York City, Senator Dilan welcomes this rezoning as an opportunity to provide much needed affordable housing to the low and moderate income families which he serves.
Senator Dilan has long championed this rezoning, and he has been involved in many community meetings, dating all the way back to 2005, to craft a comprehensive community vision.

Senator Dilan would like to recognize HPD, the Department of City Planning, the City Planning Commission, Community Board 1, and the Brooklyn Borough President’s office for their hard work and support, and especially Council Member-Elect Steve Levin who’s tireless work over the past 4 years has helped bring us here today.  The Senator would also like to recognize the many people that have given their free time to attend community meetings and planning sessions in order to help produce the best plan possible.

Many decades ago, the Broadway Triangle was the home to a great deal of thriving industry.  However, as industrial businesses left the area, the Broadway Triangle began to become overrun by vacant and abandoned lots.  Efforts in the past several decades to rezone and revitalize the Broadway Triangle, including the designation of the Broadway Triangle as an Urban Renewal Area, have not been successful in restoring this area.  The current rezoning proposal represents the best chance in many years to bring new life and desperately needed affordable housing to this area.  This an opportunity that we must not let pass by.

Senator Dilan supports the proposed rezoning for many reasons.  First, this rezoning will provide approximately 900 units of affordable housing at a time when many families are in great need.  In addition, the Senator supports the proposal that 50% of the affordable units be set aside for community residents.

Secondly, the Senator is in support of the contextual framework of this rezoning, which will designate the rezoned area R7-A and R6-A.  Senator Dilan recognizes that recent rezonings in his district, including the recent upland rezoning of 175 blocks of Williamsburg and Greenpoint, have ensured that future development will remain contextual with the surrounding neighborhoods.  This rezoning promises to continue this trend and has the support of many community residents as well as Community Board 1.

Additionally, this rezoning utilizes the Inclusionary Housing Program, which will serve to incentivize the construction of affordable housing on privately owned land.  This rezoning will also allow for retail and economic development that is greatly needed in the nearby neighborhoods.

Senator Dilan strongly urges the members of this committee and the members of the New York City Council to pass this very worthy rezoning plan.  This rezoning represents one of the greatest opportunities that we have in North Brooklyn to provide much needed affordable housing to the hard working families that need and deserve it."