Beach Cleanup 2009 Weighs In At 1700 Pounds!

Owen H. Johnson

November 24, 2009

Senator Owen H. Johnson's Annual Beach Cleanup Day at Robert Moses State Park on September 20, 2009 was a huge success!  Over 480 volunteers removed 1700 pounds of debris from the shoreline. 

The data collected at the Beach Cleanup was compiled by the American Littoral Society and sent to the Ocean Conservancy in Washington D.C. where it was analyzed and compared with data from around the world.  The information is ultimately used to develop national and international programs to control debris.

This year's Beach Cleanup was cosponsored by the Long Island Beach Buggy Association (L.I.B.B.A.) and the Long Island State Park Region.  Senator Johnson would like to thank the local environmental groups, sportsmen's associations, scout troops, and all who participated.  The annual event has grown from a handful to hundreds of participants who volunteer each year to keep our beaches beautiful.