Senator Owen Johnson Attends Allstate's Safe Teen Drive Campaign

Owen H. Johnson

May 18, 2009

Senator Owen Johnson recently attended the Babylon High School Safe Teen Drive Campaign sponsored by the Allstate Foundation. The Allstate Foundation is committing $100,000 to raise awareness on the importance of safe, smart driving among Long Island teens.  Through its Safe Teen Drive Long Island program, 100 high schools will each benefit from a $1,000 grant award to be used to raise awareness and create activism opportunities for encouraging responsible driving.  These Allstate Foundation grants will fund projects and events in the first 100 high schools on Long Island that apply, increasing important public awareness on this social epidemic. 

Senator Johnson can be seen standing in front of a case on display in Babylon High School that contains actual sets of keys to represent the average number of teen driving fatalities across New York State every year. Babylon High School was chosen as the site for Allstate's Annual Action Against Distraction obstacle course, taking place on Friday, May 22. Professional driving instructors will give Babylon teens a real-life roadway lesson in the consequences of distracted driving.

Pictured from left to right are: Suffolk County Legislator Wayne R. Horsley, Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas J. Spota, Senator Owen H. Johnson, and Babylon  School District Superintendent Dr. Ellen Best-Laimit.