Senator Morahan Statement on Situation in Albany

Thomas P. Morahan

June 25, 2009

It has become apparent that the Governor’s calls for special sessions have not stopped the legislative gridlock at the Capitol and more definitive action must be taken. 

Senator Morahan has joined with members of the Senate Reform Coalition  in calling for binding arbitration to resolve the leadership dispute.

The Senator strongly believes that arbitration will be the key to resolving the impasse allowing us to put an end to what has become an unworkable situation.

He is confident that the leadership vote taken on June 8th will stand, allowing the historic reforms adopted by the bipartisan reform coalition to also stand. 

These reforms will mean a more open Senate that will operate in a fair and equitable manner.  Either way, the Senator will accept the decision of binding arbitration.

The Senator has stressed to his Senate colleagues that important bills are awaiting their action.

Binding arbitration will offer an immediate solution and allow the Senate to get back to work.