Thoughts for Thanksgiving

Thomas P. Morahan

November 25, 2009

Some of the country's most significant Thanksgivings have come in years when gratitude wouldn't appear to come easy. And yet perhaps because of that it acquired a depth and strength that gave it added meaning and helped Americans weather their troubles and maintain this improbable but amazingly successful Union. As New Yorkers, we are facing tough economic times.  But I can assure you that we will come through this period of uncertainty.  I am confident that my colleagues in government will meet the challenges ahead and work in good faith to resolve our differences so that we can enact legislation that will close the budget gap and get a head start on next year’s budget.    

But Thanksgiving should also be a time to get beyond the superficialities and aggravations -- turkey, football and airport delays -- Thanksgiving is essentially about the people and the things we trust in and can count on to see us through whatever lies ahead: relatives, friends, shared convictions, and principles based on mutual consent and tolerance.

On this Thanksgiving, many in America have lost their jobs, their homes or a part of what they have worked and saved for over the years. The times are uncertain and threatening. In the current economic crisis, much of the blame has been placed on a loss of trust and confidence that has shattered businesses and frozen commerce. But despite all the damage wrought in the world of buying and selling, borrowing and lending, the basic trust and confidence on which communities throughout this land depend remain strong.

As we face our latest challenges, we need to be thankful for what we have and the opportunities that will surely come to us in the future. So, this Thanksgiving weekend, take time to remember the less fortunate. Do what you can for them, and never forget to give thanks. No matter what, we believe there should always be time for Thanksgiving.