Sen. Aubertine meets with Hannibal School District Students

Darrel J. Aubertine

March 22, 2010

Photo Courtesy of Oswego County Today. Sen. Aubertine listens to Zach Welling and Kate Sullivan discuss the difficulties facing Hannibal School District.

SANDY CREEK (March 20, 2010)--State Sen. Darrel J. Aubertine met with students from Hannibal School District to discuss the state budget and the difficulties facing Hannibal and other low wealth school districts in Central and Northern New York.

The Senator told the students that he is working to undo decades of funneling aid downstate to high wealth districts, but acknowledged the task is not easy. According to the Statewide School Finance Consortium, back door aid to Long Island and other high wealth school districts over the past few decades has left many Central and Northern New York Schools short.

The Senator has reached out to colleagues in the Senate and finance staff to see what can be done and is working to make the formula more equitable for low wealth districts for which a 5 percent cut has a much greater impact than other parts of the state.
