Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds: Municipalities

Dean G. Skelos

February 23, 2010


I am pleased to offer the following information on the availability of State and Federal Funds to municipalities within New York State. Click on the Grant Program that you would like more information on from the list below.  As always, if you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact my district office at (516) 766-8383. 









Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Grant Program application

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) has released the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5310 Grant Program application and workshop schedule for Fiscal Year 2010.  This program provides assistance with the purchase of vehicles to meet the transportation needs of elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities.                       

Through the NYSDOT, funds will be used to cover 80% of the cost of vehicle, with the remaining 20% coming from the applying entity. The following are eligible to apply for the purchase of vehicles under this grant program:

  • Not-for-profit organizations which serve elderly individuals or individuals with disabilities


  • Public bodies (i.e. municipalities, County level governments) in counties that are approved by the State to coordinate services for elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities.

Applications can be downloaded from the NYSDOT website at, and follow the link “Federal Transit Funding Programs”. NYSDOT will be offering a workshop on March 24, 2010 from 10am-12pm at the Dennison Bldg- located at 100 Veterans Memorial Highway in Hauppauge to discuss this program in more detail and assist in any questions that may arise throughout the application process.

 Please note that applications are due by May 4, 2010 and must demonstrate proof of eligibility and management capability to operate a transportation service.  If you have any questions about this program, please call Tom Locascio in my district office at (516) 766-8383.







2010 NYS Community Development Block Grant, Annual Competitive Round Program, Open Round Economic Development Program and New York Main Street Program

The New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation’s Office of

Community Renewal announces the availability of approximately $40

million in NYS Community Development Block Grant funding for

the 2010 Annual Competitive Round, the Open Round Economic

Development Programs and approximately $5 million in New York

Main Street funding for the 2010 Round.



The New York State Community Development Block Grant

Program (NYS CDBG) is a federally funded program authorized by

Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974

administered by the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation’s

Office of Community Renewal (OCR). The NYS CDBG

Program provides funding to eligible communities for the development

of projects providing decent and hazard-free affordable housing,

access to safe drinking water, proper disposal of household wastewater,

access to community-needed services in local facilities, foster

economic opportunities through the support of projects that create

and/or retain permanent employment opportunities principally benefiting

low- and moderate-income persons. Activities funded under the

NYS CDBG Program must benefit low- and moderate-income

persons, aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight or meet

community development needs having a particular urgency; 70% of

NYS CDBG funds must benefit low- and moderate-income persons.


Eligible applicants are non-entitlement units of general local

government (villages, towns, cities or counties), excluding metropolitan

cities, urban counties and Indian Tribes that are designated Entitlement

communities. Non-entitlement areas are defined as cities, towns

and villages with populations of less than 50,000, except those

designated principal cities of Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and counties

with populations of less than 200,000.


Annual Competitive Round Program

2010 Annual Competitive Round funds are available for the funding

of community development projects in the categories of: Housing

(rehabilitation including mobile and manufactured home replacement*;

home ownership; residential water and wastewater systems);

Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure. A community may propose

a project that addresses a particular area of need or may propose a

project that undertakes a strategy that addresses community development

needs within a particular area.

*The NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation’s Manufactured Home

Replacement Initiative targets $5 million in HOME funds and HOME

and CDBG projects will give preference to projects that replace mobile

homes (pre-June 1976) and manufactured homes (post-June 1976) in

dilapidated condition with new HUD certified, ENERGY STAR

Qualified manufactured homes. Applicants seeking funding for projects

that meet the requirements of the Manufactured Home Replacement

Initiative will be given preference, which will be based upon the

proportion of the award that is allocated to the replacement of dilapidated

mobile and manufacture homes with new manufactured homes.

The 2010 NYS HOME Program Request for Proposals and the 2010

NYS CDBG Annual Competitive Round Application provides the

preference criteria for replacement of mobile and manufactured home


Open Round Economic Development Program

2010 Open Round Economic Development funds are available for

economic development, microenterprise and small business activities.

Each activity must involve the creation or retention of permanent, job

opportunities that principally benefit low- and moderate-income

persons, through the expansion and retention of business and industry

in New York State. Funds provided to a microenterprise where the

owner(s) qualifies as a low- and moderate-income person meets this


OCR provides funding for economic development activities for the

following purposes:

1. To provide financial assistance to businesses for an identified

CDBG eligible activity which will result in the creation or retention of

permanent job opportunities principally benefitting low- and

moderate-income persons; or

2. To construct publicly owned infrastructure improvements, which

are necessary to accommodate the creation, expansion or retention of

a business which will result in the creation or retention of permanent

job opportunities principally for low- and moderate-income persons.

Eligible uses of NYS CDBG Economic Development funds include,

but not limited to: acquisition of real property; financing of machinery,

furniture, fixtures and equipment; building construction and renovation;

working capital; inventory; and employee training expenses. Use

of CDBG funds toward construction and renovation costs are subject

to Davis Bacon Wage Rate requirements.

Eligible applicants must apply to the OCR on behalf of the business

seeking NYS CDBG funds. The OCR makes awards directly to the

applicant community and does not make direct loans or grants to



Annual Competitive Round Awards

Towns, Cities and Villages:

Housing/Public Facilities $400,000

Public Infrastructure (water/sewer only) $600,000


Housing/Public Facilities/Public Infrastructure $750,000

Joint Applicants:

Public Infrastructure (water/sewer only) $900,000

Open Round Economic Development Awards

Economic Development program

a. Maximum award amount of $750,000 (minimum $100,000).

b. NYS CDBG can fund up to 40% of a total project cost, not to

exceed maximum award amount.

c. Projects must result in the creation or retention of at least one

permanent, full-time equivalent (FTE) job for every $15,000 of NYS

CDBG funds awarded.

d. NYS CDBG funds should be used as gap funding to induce project


Small Business Assistance program

a. Award amounts of $25,000 to $100,000 for assistance to individual


b. Projects must result in the creation or retention of at least one

FTE job per $25,000 of CDBG funds provided.

c. NYS CDBG can fund up to 40% of a total project cost.

d. Minimum of 20% owner equity contribution to the project is

required. To induce sustainable green projects the equity contribution

may be lowered to a minimum of 10% if the activity is certified by the

community and OCR as a NYS CDBG Green project.

Microenterprise program

a. Maximum total allocation amount to applicant community:


b. Individual grant amount to business: $5,000 to $35,000.

c. NYS CDBG can fund up to 90% of a total project cost.

d. Minimum of 10% owner equity contribution to the project is


e. Certified completion of an approved entrepreneurial assistance or

small business training program is required. Cost of training for LMI

entrepreneurs is an eligible CDBG expense.

The OCR may consider applications for projects exceeding the

maximum FTE job created/retained or the funding limit where it is

found that a project or projects may have a significant and transformational

impact beyond the immediate public benefit or for projects with

the potential for a regional or statewide economic impact.


Annual Competitive Round Program

The 2010 Annual Competitive Round Application will be available

on the Office of Community Renewal’s web site,

AboutUs/Offices/CommunityRenewal on January 27, 2010. Applications

are due no later than April 23, 2010. Applications are to be

mailed or hand-delivered to: Office of Community Renewal, Hampton

Plaza, 38-40 State Street, Albany, NY 12207. If mailed, applications

must be postmarked no later than April 23, 2010. If hand-delivered,

applications must be delivered by April 23, 2010 no later than 4:00


The above-stated application deadline is firm as to date and hour. In

the interest of fairness to all competing applicants, OCR will consider

applications not received by 4:00 p.m. on, or postmarked by April 23,

2010 ineligible. Applicants should make early submission of their

materials to avoid any risk of loss of eligibility brought about by

unanticipated delays or other delivery-related problems.

Open Round Economic Development Program

Interested applicants must consult the OCR and complete a presubmission

form to determine if an economic development project,

meets CDBG and OCR program requirements. Based upon the results

of the initial inquiry, the applicant may be invited to submit an application

for funding for the 2010 Program Year. Applicants may

submit initial inquiries any time after January 27, 2010, when the

initial inquiry form will be posted to the NYS OCR website,



The New York Main Street Program (NYMS) provides funding to

assist New York State communities with their main street/downtown

revitalization efforts. NYMS will provide grants to stimulate reinvestment

in mixed-use (commercial/civic and residential) “main street”

buildings or districts in order to address issues of code compliance,

energy conservation, accessibility, and to provide affordable housing

and job opportunities.


Eligible applicants include cities, towns, villages, and counties

throughout New York State and non-profit organizations that are

incorporated under the NYS Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. To be

eligible for award, non-profit organizations must have been in existence

for at least one year prior to contract execution.


Applications will be accepted for programs that propose funding

for one or more of the following activities:

Building Renovation

Applicants may provide participating owners with matching renovation

grants of up to $50,000 per building for first and/or second

floor civic/commercial use, plus an additional $25,000 for each residential

unit, not to exceed 75% of total project cost or $150,000 per

building, whichever is less. Building renovation projects include

facade renovations and interior work.

Downtown Anchors

Applicants may provide grants of up to $250,000 per building, but

not exceeding 40% of total project cost, to building owners to help establish

or expand cultural or business anchors that are key to local

revitalization efforts. Anchor grant projects may include residential

units on the upper floors.

Streetscape Enhancement

As an ancillary activity, Applicants may provide grants of up to

$60,000 for programs to plant trees and other landscaping, install street

furniture and trash cans, provide appropriate signs in accordance with

a local signage plan, and to perform other appurtenant activities, that

are to be provided to communities to enhance the NYMS target area.

Streetscape Enhancement only applications are not eligible and will

not be accepted.


The maximum award amount is $500,000 and the minimum award

amount is $50,000.


Applications will be available electronically on the New York State

Division of Housing and Community Renewal’s (DHCR) website, on January 27, 2010. Applications should be

submitted over the internet using the Community Development Online

Application System, (CDOL). Applications are due no later than 4:00

PM on April 23, 2010. Applications received after the stated deadline

will be considered late submissions and will be returned to the


Additional information and questions regarding the 2010 Annual

Competitive Round, the Open Round Economic Development, or the

New York Main Street program should be directed to OCR program

staff at the earliest opportunity at 518-474-2057.









NYSDOH Refugee Health Program

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Refugee

Health Program announces the opportunity for qualified licensed

health care providers/agencies located throughout New York State

(exclusive of New York City) to provide refugee health assessments

and initial adult vaccinations to new refugee arrivals to the State. The

refugee health assessment is designed to promptly identify refugees

with health conditions of personal and public health concern; to

introduce refugees into the US health care system; to ensure refugees

receive ongoing care and appropriate follow up for identified problems

by referrals to primary and specialty care providers; and to initiate

vaccines required for refugees to adjust their status for permanent

residency. The refugee health assessment consists of a set of basic

screening components designed to identify health issues typically

found in refugee populations. Assessments, completed according to

the required protocol, will be reimbursed at an all-inclusive per capita

rate of $338.50 (upstate) or $346.39 (downstate, which includes Nassau,

Suffolk and Westchester counties). Initial vaccines for adults will

be reimbursed at a maximum of $208.00 per person, where those vaccines

were administered during a reimbursable health assessment and

actual cost of the vaccines is documented. The program is supported

by an annual allocation of Refugee Medical Assistance funds awarded

by the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement through the New York

State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. The total allocation

for budget year March 31, 2010 to March 30, 2011 is expected to

be $1,860,170. In the event funds for the budget year are exhausted, a

limit may be placed on the number of health assessments to be



Health care providers/agencies interested in participating in the

Program must complete and submit the NYSDOH Refugee Medical

Assistance Program application, meet the requirements described

therein, and be approved for enrollment. An applicant must be a

licensed health care provider (i.e., physician, nurse practitioner, community

health center, county health department or clinic); must demonstrate

clinical experience and staffing capacity necessary to provide

health screenings in accordance with established protocols; must

employ bilingual staff or provide interpreter services to overcome

language barriers to care; and must demonstrate established linkages

to services, whether on site or by referral, to primary care, specialty

care, and mental health services. Experience with the health and

mental health needs of refugees, asylees, and victims of trafficking,

and in conjunction with office/clinic location accessible to refugees

and refugee service agencies is desirable.


Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. The Program operates

on a five-year contract cycle from March 31, 2010 to March 30,

2015 with annual renewals. Contracts can be awarded to approved applicants

at any time during this period, and will be in effect for the

remainder of the five-year contract cycle, contingent on provider performance

and availability of federal RMA funding.


For an application, contact: Department of Health, Refugee Health

Program, Bureau of Tuberculosis Control, at the above address, or call

(518) 474-4845, e-mail:




Evaluation of On-Time Quality Improvement for Long Term Care


Applications will be accepted through March 26, 2010. The purpose

of this grant procurement is the selection of 12-15 nursing homes in

New York State to participate as control nursing homes in an evaluation

of On-Time Quality Improvement for Long Term Care, a pressure

ulcer prevention intervention. Eligible applicants must be Article

28 residential health care facilities. $250,000 is available for this

procurement. Nursing homes will be reimbursed for the costs they

incur to participate in the evaluation on the basis of their number of

participating units.


For an application, please go to the Department of Health's public

website. Applications may be downloaded from http://