Niagara Parks Reinvestment Act
George D. Maziarz
April 11, 2010
- State Parks
S2534 MAZIARZ No Same as
ON FILE: 01/06/10 Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law
TITLE....Enacts the "Niagara parks reinvestment act"
Amd S3.09, Pks & Rec L; add S92-ff, St Fin L
Enacts the "Niagara parks reinvestment act"; requires fifty percent of parking revenue generated at state parks in the county of Niagara to be deposited in the Niagara parks reinvestment fund; establishes the Niagara parks reinvestment fund.
STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 2534 2009-2010 Regular Sessions IN SENATE February 23, 2009 ___________ Introduced by Sen. MAZIARZ -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation AN ACT to amend the parks, recreation and historic preservation law and the state finance law, in relation to enacting the "Niagara parks reinvestment act" The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as 2 the "Niagara parks reinvestment act". 3 § 2. Section 3.09 of the parks, recreation and historic preservation 4 law is amended by adding a new subdivision 2-h to read as follows: 5 2-h. Be empowered to require fifty percent of vehicle use fee gener- 6 ated from any state park wholly or partially located in the county of 7 Niagara to be deposited in the Niagara parks reinvestment fund estab- 8 lished in section ninety-two-ff of the state finance law. The office 9 shall prepare an annual report on the amount of vehicle use fees 10 collected at any state park wholly or partially located in the county of 11 Niagara. Such report shall contain a detailed summary of projects being 12 funded and the amount each project is being funded for. Such report 13 shall be disseminated to the governor, the chairperson of the senate 14 tourism, recreation and sports development committee, the chairperson of 15 the assembly tourism, arts and sports development committee and to any 16 member of the state senate or assembly representing a portion of the 17 county of Niagara. 18 § 3. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 92-ff to 19 read as follows: 20 § 92-ff. Niagara parks reinvestment fund. 1. There is hereby estab- 21 lished in the joint custody of the comptroller and the commissioner of 22 taxation and finance a special fund to be known as the "Niagara parks 23 reinvestment fund". EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD06468-01-9
S. 2534 2 1 2. Such fund shall consist of fifty percent of the balance of the 2 vehicle use fee generated from any state park wholly or partially 3 located in the county of Niagara as authorized pursuant to subdivision 4 two-h of section 3.09 of the parks, recreation and historic preservation 5 law. 6 3. The moneys appropriated or transferred to this fund shall be 7 disbursed to finance capital improvements in state parks wholly or 8 partially located in the county of Niagara and/or to create a transpor- 9 tation system linking the state parks with other tourist attractions 10 wholly or partially located in the county of Niagara. 11 4. All payments from this fund shall be made on the audit and warrant 12 of the comptroller on vouchers approved by the commissioner of the 13 Niagara Frontier state park, recreation and historic preservation 14 commission. 15 § 4. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding 16 the date on which it shall have become a law.
submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 1
TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the parks, recreation and historic preservation law and the state finance law, in relation to enacting the "Niagara parks reinvestment act" PURPOSE: This legislation would create the "Niagara Parks Reinvestment Act" which would constitute 50% of the vehicle use fees collected at any state park located wholly or partially in Niagara County, such revenue would be reinvested into capital improvements in state parks located in Niagara County. SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1 titles this as the "Niagara Parks Reinvestment Act." Section 2 requires fifty percent of the vehicle use fees generated at any state park located wholly or partially in Niagara County be deposited in the Niagara parks reinvestment fund. Further, this act requires an annual report on the amount of revenue generated, as well as a summary of projects being funded, and the amount such project being funded at. Such report shall be sent to the governor, the chair of the Senate and Assembly Tourism Committees, and any Senator or Assembly member who Niagara County. Section 3 creates the Niagara parks reinvestment fund which consists of fifty percent of the balance of total revenue from vehicle use fees generated at any State Park located wholly or partially in Niagara County. This section further states that money appropriated shall be used only to finance capital improvements in state parks located in Niagara County and/or to create a transportation system linking the state parks with other tourist attractions located in Niagara County. Section 4 is the effective date. JUSTIFICATION: Niagara County is home to some of New York's most amazing state parks, including Niagara Reservation State Park which holds the distinction as the First state park in the nation, established in 1885. In addition to being the honeymoon capital, Niagara Reservation State Park also holds the distinction as the most visited state park in New York State. Its magnificent waterfalls, the rapids of the Niagara River, and other natural riches are known worldwide and attract more visitors than Yellowstone and Grand Canyon National Parks combined. We welcome the millions of tourists to Niagara County each year because of our fascination and attachment to this wonderful place, but those millions also take a toll on the infrastructure of these great state parks. Yet, rather than the fees generated by these parks being even partially dedicated to maintaining these park's facilities, they are put into the state's general fund, and these State Parks must battle for a share of funds for capital improvements and maintenance. Dedicating 50% of the parking fees collected at these parks will produce a steady and somewhat predictable funding stream to allow capital improvements and maintenance of these state parks in Niagara County. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: New bill. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Unknown. EFFECTIVE DATE: April 1 next succeeding the date on which it shall become a law.
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