Medicaid Fraud

George Winner

February 5, 2010

I'm grateful to be serving as a member of the newly created Senate Republican Task Force on Medicaid Fraud to find out why state taxpayers continue to lose hundreds of millions of dollars to abuse, fraud, and waste in New York’s more than $50-billion Medicaid system.

The urgency of the state’s fiscal crisis demands a renewed focus on the fraud that has plagued the Medicaid system for years. 

It’s way past time to put in place a "zero tolerance" policy to combat the millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars being lost to Medicaid fraud and waste. 

We need to determine, once and for all, why we can’t put a stop to the scams and rip-offs that still define this system far too often.  New York government has a responsibility to eliminate abuse and waste and we know that the Medicaid system remains a prime target.

See more details here.