The Expulsion of Hiram Monserrate

On Tuesday, February 9, 2010, the New York State Senate voted to expel Senator Hiram Monserrate. I was a member of the Select Ethics Committee established by the Senate to investigate the matter. The committee rendered its report on January 14, 2010. This report was based on exhaustive and deliberative review of hours of testimony, documents, and other evidence. The committee exercised due diligence in reaching its unanimous recommendations to the Senate to consider either sanction or expulsion. The Senate determined by a vote of 53-8 to expel Senator Monserrate. My vote was for expulsion. I have long been involved with anti-violence groups and organizations and have zero tolerance for domestic violence.
It is now vitally important for the members of the New York State Senate to come together in a nonpartisan way to work on the serious financial matters facing the state and continue to do the work of the people we represent in a collaborative and collegial manner.