Paying Tribute on Memorial Day

James S. Alesi

May 28, 2010

On this Memorial Day we pay tribute to the men and women who have put their lives on the line to stand in defense of our American way of life.  The actions of those individuals strengthen our dedication to the exercise of freedom in our nation.   

Beginning several weeks ago with a Veterans Awards Ceremony in Pittsford, I was honored to attend the first of many that will take place throughout my district this weekend.  Memorial Day is not a day for politics, but a day for respect-respect for our fallen soldiers-and I attend and participate in these ceremonies in remembrance of their lives and in somber appreciation for their devotion to and sacrifice for our country.

I am humbled by the brave veterans who have selflessly served our country in order to protect the freedoms that we, as a nation, enjoy today.  Their courage and sacrifice constitute the foundation of our freedom, and we will forever owe them a debt of gratitude.  Whether in times of war or times of peace, the Americans who have given their lives for this country did so in order to uphold our treasured values of liberty and democracy.  Please join me in taking a moment out of your day to honor those who have served.  Thank you.