Kenneth P. LaValle

May 10, 2010

At a recent rally organized by the Long Island Organizing Network (LION), Senator Kenneth P. LaValle joined federal, state, and local elected officials in signing a letter to Governor Paterson asking that he take immediate action in either amending his initial request for federal disaster aid or submitting an additional request in light of the second storm that hit Long Island.

“The March storms had a devastating impact on Suffolk County and, in particular, the East End,” said Senator LaValle.  “It has been more than five weeks since the torrential rains hit Long Island and still many of our local residents are displaced from their homes as a result of severe flooding.  I am joining my colleagues from all levels of government in a bipartisan effort to get the federal government to re-evaluate the damage on Long Island and provide families and business owners the necessary support to recover from this natural disaster.  It is times like these that people need to know that their government will not let them down.”