Debbie Basile Honored For Distinguished Service to the Babylon Community

Owen H. Johnson

May 28, 2010

Pictured Senator Owen H. Johnson presenting Legislative Resolution to Debbie Basile.

Senator Owen H. Johnson (4th Senate District, Babylon, NY)  presented Debbie Basile with a Legislative Resolution honoring her 17 years of distinguished service as President of the Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition at a celebration held in her honor on April 11, 2010 at Lily Flanagan’s Pub in Babylon.

“I am proud to honor Debbie Basile for her leadership, her tireless efforts, her compassion, and her dedication to others,” Senator Johnson said.  “The comprehensive care provided at the Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition is a direct result of Debbie’s lifetime efforts to address the many challenges cancer patients face.”

Debbie served as President of the Babylon Breast Cancer Coalition since she founded the organization in 1993.  She worked tirelessly to create awareness about breast health issues for Babylon Town residents.  Through her efforts Babylon residents battling breast or gynecological cancer can avail themselves to a plethora of services to help them cope with their diagnosis and treatment. 

Debbie has been a member of the Long Island Brest Cancer Network, the Suffolk County Cancer Task Force and many other local and national breast cancer organizations.  She has been recognized by Newsday and other Long Island publications through the years for her activism and was named one of Long Island’s 50 Most Influential Women in 2006.  She has appeared on numerous radio and television programs and has served as a peer reviewer on research projects and was a guiding force on the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project.