Important Phone Numbers for 29th NYS Senate District Residents
New York’s 29th State Senate District lies at the heart of the world’s most exciting and vibrant city. And those of us who live here know that day-to-day challenges come along with that excitement.
Often, in order to find out our rights, access available services or fi le a complaint, we must contact public agencies and/or community organizations. While many resources are now available online, even in this Internet age many questions are best answered or most easily explained by picking up the phone and speaking to a person with knowledge and sensitivity. Yet identifying which agency has jurisdiction or expertise and even finding a correct phone number can be a time consuming and diffi cult task.
To help connect constituents to the resources they need, I have periodically compiled and published a listing of important numbers. While this list is not exhaustive, I have heard from many people that they found it helpful and would greatly appreciate an updated version.
I am thus pleased to share the current edition, which has many new phone numbers as well as additional resources that constituents have suggested. If there are numbers that you would like to see on future lists, please let my offi ce know and we will make best efforts to include them. I appreciate that this is a service that you, the taxpayers, have entrusted me to provide, and I am grateful for the opportunity to send this information to you.
As always, if there are additional ways in which my offi ce may be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Senator Thomas K. Duane