Senator Fuschillo's Job Resource Center
Finding a job can be a very stressful experience, especially in this economy.
The good news is that there are a number of resources and programs to help you search for jobs, develop your skills, and prepare you to succeed. Below are links to some of the programs and services that are available to help residents who are looking for a job or changing careers:
Job Banks/Civil Service Exams:
Search for jobs, learn job searching techniques, and find out about upcoming state, local, and federal civil service exams.
* Nassau County Department of Civil Service
* New York State Department of Civil Service (Click here to sign up for email announcements of upcoming New York State Civil Service exams)
* New York State Department of Labor
* Occupational Outlook Handbook (U.S. Department of Labor)
* Suffolk County Department of Civil Service (Click here to sign up for email announcements of upcoming Suffolk Civil Service exams)
* Town of Hempstead Department of Civil Service
* USA Jobs (employment with the Federal Government)
Job Fairs:
Find out when job fairs are coming to our area.
* New York State Department of Labor
* Suffolk County One-Stop Employment Center
Job & Career Centers/Training Programs/Apprenticeships:
Here's where you can find out about services such as resume writing, interview preparation, and job searching tips. You'll also be able to learn about different job & career training programs, as well as aprrenticeships.
* Adult Career and Continuing Educational Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
* Education & Assistance Corporation
* Nassau County Job Development Center
* New York State Department of Labor’s Career Services
* New York State Department of Labor’s Apprenticeships program
* Opportunities Industrialization Center of Suffolk, Inc.
* Suffolk County One-Stop Employment Center
* Town of Oyster Bay Workforce Partnership
Starting your own business:
* Nassau County Business Development Unit
* Small Business Development Center at Farmingdale State College
* Suffolk County Department of Economic Development & Workforce Housing
* U.S. Small Business Administration