Senators Rivera and Klein Call to Add Funds for Foreclosure Prevention Services Program to the Budget

Gustavo Rivera

March 18, 2011

State Senator Gustavo Rivera (D-Bronx) joined Senator Jeff Klein (D-Westchester/Bronx) and Foreclosure Prevention Providers at the Bronx County Courthouse on Friday to call for the renewal of funds for the Foreclosure Prevention Services Program in the 2010 Executive Budget.

“We know the foreclosure crisis isn't over because our neighbors, family and friends are feeling squeezed and struggle with issues of foreclosure every day in the Bronx, but if that weren’t enough, experts are telling us that we are only one third of the way through the foreclosure crisis,” said Senator Rivera.

“It is irresponsible to cut funding for successful foreclosure prevention programs serving tens of thousands of families throughout New York. I stand with my colleagues from the Senate in asking our fellow legislators to fund foreclosure prevention and to prevent the interruption of these critical services throughout our state. We must help continue to fund these successful programs so service providers can continue to help save families stay in their homes.”

There were groups from all over the city who came out in support of saving foreclosure prevention programs, which account for prevention services to more than 43,000 homes in New York State. Providers in the Bronx that would be affected include Bronx Legal Services, Legal Aid Society, West Bronx Housing Neighborhood Resource Center. In total there are more than 120 community organization, which would be affected by these cuts.