Judy Pepenella

Lee M. Zeldin

May 11, 2011

Judy Pepenella


Year: 2011

Judy Pepenella, a genuine patriot, truly exemplifies the classic American story. As a private citizen raising a family and pursuing a career, she became increasingly worried about the future of our country and her community, and decided to take action. Her concerns led her to begin speaking out on her beliefs and organizing like-minded supporters to work for reform. 

Ms. Pepenella, a quintessential volunteer, envelopes her community with enduring commitment to Long Island’s Suffolk County. She has devoted the last two and a half years of her life fighting for her country as a member of a local grassroots activist organization. 

Her activism has led her to become involved in local, state and federal politics over the last three years. She has maintained daily communication with other organizers around the state and country and has helped organize a march on Washington which attracted more than one million patriots. Additionally, she has organized numerous lobbying trips to Washington and Albany to advocate for her beliefs. 

Ms. Pepenella’s involvement in the community extends far beyond her role in politics. She volunteers for numerous organizations, including the Girl Scouts, the Jacobs Light Foundation, the Wounded Warrior Project and the Patriot Guard Riders. 

Her citizen-activism constantly refreshes our democratic system and is one of the most important sources of the continuing success of the “American Experiment” of self-government by a free people envisioned by our Founders. For all she has done, Ms. Pepenella is an inspiration for others.