What does New York need to continue our recovery, build a stronger economy and create jobs?
Over the past 12 months, we reached across party lines to cut taxes—including the new Middle Class Tax Cut that takes effect New Year’s Day—reduce spending, and reform Albany to make state government work again.
But our work won’t be done until every hardworking New Yorker can find the job he wants in communities where we want to live, and New York is once again recognized as the “Empire State” of opportunity and success.
If we learned one lesson over the past year, it’s that we make the most progress when government listens to its people.
That’s why I’m continuing with an initiative I started in 2011—my first year in office—in which I ask the residents of the 48th Senate District (including Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties) for your views on what we need to make a better New York.
More than 6500 people responded to that first survey, and told me overwhelmingly to vote to reduce spending (we did, for the first time in 15 years), pass a property tax cap (done), and do more to create jobs (see above).
The changes we made required difficult choices, and opponents of these changes were often very loud in making their opinions heard. My annual survey is your chance to make sure that your voice is heard too.
Should we continue to cut taxes? Reduce spending? Cut more red tape? Invest more in public schools? Give tax breaks to innovators, entrepreneurs and small businesses?
I want to know what you think. Please click here to participate in my 2012 survey.
As always, I will be sure to let you know the results.
We racked up so much success in 2011 because state government listened to you. But I know that we can do even more.
To you and your family, best wishes for a Happy New Year!