Last weekend I spent part of the afternoon with a group of men who literally helped to save the world.
They fought in WW II in the Battle of the Bulge, helping to throw back Hitler's last gasp attempt to stop the Allied drive across Germany.
Thanks to them and the rest of the American and Allied Forces who rallied to stop the surprise attack, they were able to stop the German Army and lay the ground work for the drive across Europe that ended in the invasion and surrender of Germany.
In Oswego County, a group of survivors of that historic event have organized a unique group. The Oswego County Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge honors everyone who fought and the 89,000 casualties of the bloodiest battle of WW II. For several years, these Oswego County veterans have worked to make sure this historic event in our nation's history is remembered.
During my visit with those veterans on Memorial Day Weekend, I told them I had nominated their group to be honored in the New York State Senate's Veterans Hall of Fame.
As your State Senator, an important part of my job is to help recognize the people, organizations and communities that play such an important role in improving quality of life in Central and Northern New York. People like Watertown's Karen Y. Richmond, the head of the Jefferson County Children's Home, whom I honored last week as a New York State Senate Woman of Distinction, or the tiny community of Waddington for winning the first round in the national Ultimate Fishing Town contest.
You know the kind of people and organizations I'm talking about. Whether it's a group of veterans helping their nation to remember the sacrifices of those who have kept it free, a woman who has spent a lifetime helping thousands of children and families, or a small community whose residents are putting our region on the tourism map, I try to make sure their contributions are noticed and honored.
They are part of what makes life in our neck of the woods so special., and I'd like to invite you, if you know somone who ought to be commended, to make your own nomination to me.
Contact my office and tell me about someone or some group in Oswego, Jefferson or St. Lawrence County that deserves to be recognized for making a difference in the lives of those around them.
Contact: Senator Patty Ritchie, 317 Washington St., Suite 418, Watertown, N.Y. 13601 or Senator Patty Ritchie, Oswego District Office, 46 East Bridge St., Oswego, N.Y. 13126