We're all in this together
As you read this news column, local officials, state lawmakers and community leaders are already involved in analyzing Gov. Cuomo’s budget proposals.
The Governor and the Legislature must act to balance the state’s precarious finances with the ongoing need for vital government services, all the while recognizing that New Yorkers are already among the highest taxed in the nation, and simply can’t afford to pay more.
I haven’t waited for the Governor’s budget to begin the process of gauging how the budget may impact our local communities in Oswego, Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties.
Over the past month, I have been involved in dozens of meetings, and visited communities across the 48th Senate District to talk about the issues that face Central and Northern New York.
In every meeting, it’s clear that local and community leaders understand the challenge that we all face—we are all in this together. And I am now more convinced that we can meet the challenge and put New York on a stronger footing, with better jobs and a healthier economy, if we can work together. That’s always been our strength.
In this economy, spending cuts are inevitable. While the kind of cuts we face in the days ahead will mean tough sacrifices for all of us, I am confident that if we look for ways to work together we can make this into an opportunity to transform our state.
As Governor Cuomo said in his State of the State message, “This is not about budget trimming or cutting, it’s about looking at how we can fix government and make it work for the people. Together, we must take the significant steps needed to reinvent, reorganize and redesign government to restore credibility and rebuild our economy by creating jobs all across this state.”
I’m convinced that by putting aside our differences, we can work together to transform our State and its future into a place where businesses and families want to settle and grow.