3/29/2011: Session (Budget)

Shirley L. Huntley

March 28, 2011

Pictured are: Senator John DeFrancisco, Chair of Senate Committee on Finance and Senator Shirley L. Huntley, Ranking Minority Member of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilites

As of Wednesday, March 31st the state budget was completed and contained many cuts which I strongly disliked and disagreed with. I vigorously argued against severe cuts toward Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Department of Education, Aging, Children and Families, and Social Services during the budget debate on the senate floor. My district in Queens and the rest of New York City are facing massive cuts while millionaires are not equally bearing the burden. The $135.2 billion budget implemented reductions to education, healthcare, mental health, and many other areas which affect the lives of middle and low income New Yorkers. I want to reiterate that the Governor proposed these cuts and the Senate Majority simply followed along not fully realizing the impact these cuts would have on working class families.