5/10/2011: Lexington School for the Deaf visits Albany

Shirley L. Huntley

May 9, 2011

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
May 11, 2011
Contact: Bryant G. Gaspard| gaspard@nysenate.gov | (518) 455-3531

**Press Release**

Senator Huntley fights against cuts to Blind and Deaf Schools
(4201 School’s)

(D-Jamaica) Senator Shirley L. Huntley and her senate colleagues were able to successfully restore budget cuts to 4201 schools that serve blind and deaf students. Governor Cuomo proposed cutting funding to some of the most vulnerable students in New York State by shifting the cost to operate these schools to local governments.

 Local governments are currently facing financial hardships and would not be able to support the cost shift to fund 4201 schools. Thankfully, Governor Cuomo’s ill-advised proposal wasn’t supported by members of the state legislature. Senator Huntley voted to restore about $98 million dollars for 4201 schools to continue operating at an efficient level.

4201 Schools that serve the educational needs of blind and deaf students are vitally important to ensure that students with severe physical disabilities can still receive a quality education.  Over 1, 700 children around New York State rely on these schools and the idea of cutting education to one of our most vulnerable populations is inherently wrong and irresponsible. 

On May 10, 2011 Senator Huntley met with many students from the Lexington School for the Deaf.  Speaking to the students Senator Huntley said, “since education is the key to success, we must never shortchange the students of New York State.  Separate and unequal funding for 4201 schools will inhibit the educational and personal growth for students who need it the most.  Every child deserves to learn and the opportunity to succeed, we as responsible adults must always realize that hurting the most vulnerable is never an option.”