5/2/2011: Healthy Workplace Bill

Shirley L. Huntley

May 1, 2011

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
May 3, 2011
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | arodrigu@nysenate.gov | (518) 455-3531

*Press Release*

Senator Shirley L. Huntley wants to Stop
Workplace Bullying

(D-Jamaica) On May 2, 2011 Senator Huntley spoke out against workplace bullying/ harassment at a press conference in Albany, New York.  Several guests and relatives talked about their loved ones who suffered through abuse and harassment at work, and in a few unfortunate cases, took their own lives.  

Senator Huntley discussed the severe mental, emotional, and physical anguish workers go through when faced with constant bullying. New York Healthy Workplace Advocates and Senator Huntley are both supporters of S. 4289 and called for employers to take swift and proper action to eliminate workplace bullying and focus on creating a safe and tolerant work environment.

The bill would provide workers who have been subjected and victims of an abusive work environment to seek civil damages from their employer. “No employee should ever have to fear going to work due to being bullied and harassed.  A safe work environment will lead to increased productivity and ensure workers will not have to risk their health or careers for fear of reprisal”, said Senator Shirley L. Huntley.

Additional news available at www.huntley.nysenate.gov
New York State Senate Email | shuntley@nysenate.gov | (518) 455-3531