Daniel L. Squadron

October 23, 2012

On October 24th, State Senator Daniel Squadron and Assembly Member Richard Gottfried -- the sponsors of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) -- hosted a public forum on pending legislation that would prohibit discrimination based on gender identity and break down barriers to equality.

Video of the entire forum is available below and at this link. Video of law enforcement's testimony is available here.

The forum brought together transgender New Yorkers and their families, law enforcement, advocates, and public officials from around the state to testify on the obstacles to equality faced by many transgender individuals, and the potential impact of the Squadron-Gottfried legislation.

It is legal in New York for a person to lose their job or be evicted from their home because of their gender identity (except where local anti-discrimination laws have been enacted). GENDA (S.6349/Squadron - A.5039/Gottfried) would prohibit discrimination against transgender New Yorkers when it comes to housing, employment, credit, and public accommodations, while expanding New York’s hate crime laws to include crimes against transgender individuals.

GENDA has passed the Assembly five times, but has remained stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate.

The following is a collection of testimony and resources provided by the forum's participating individuals and organizations.

VIDEOGENDA Public Forum from Daniel Squadron on Vimeo.

Personal Testimony:

Senator Tom Duane

Melissa Sklarz

Rex Butt


Empire State Pride Agenda:

Testimony: GENDA Forum, October 24, 2012

Reports and Resources


NY Labor Support for GENDA

NY Women's Organizations Support for GENDA

NY Pulpit Support for GENDA

Housing Works:

Housing Works Services

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:

Testimony: GENDA Forum, October 24, 2012

Injustice at Every Turn: A Report on the National Transgender Discrimination Survey

Findings of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey: New York Results

Transgender Issues

New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA):

Testimony: GENDA Forum, October 24, 2012

Transgender Health Care Provider Directory

New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU):

Testimony: GENDA Forum, October 24, 2012

Report: Advancing Transgender Civil Rights in New York: The Need for GENDA (2012)

Fact Sheet: Why GENDA Matters


Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund:

The Name Change Project


New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA):

Statement on GENDA


Legal Services NYC:

Testimony: GENDA Forum, October 24, 2012

Legal Support Unit

Interfaith Impact of New York State:

Testimony: GENDA Forum, October 24, 2012