Domestic Violence Seminar

Eric Adams

April 24, 2012

The Supreme Court, Kings County, and the Interfaith Center of New York

Invite Brooklyn's Religious and Community Leaders to a Breakfast Seminar 

Domestic Violence and the House of Faith, What to do about it?                                            


WHEN:           Thursday, April 26, 2012

                        9:30 - 11:00 am


WHERE:         Kings County Supreme Court

                        360 Adams Street, Room 1137 (Board Room)

                        Brooklyn, New York 11201


SPEAKERS:    Hon. Patricia Henry

                        Justice, Kings County Supreme Court, Integrated Domestic Violence Part

                        Emily Ruben, Esq.

Attorney in Charge of Civil Practice and Co-supervisor, Family and Domestic Violence Law Practice, Legal Aid Society

                        Jamie Burke, Esq.

                        Supervisor, Integrated Domestic Violence Cases, Brooklyn Defender Services


TO RSVP:     Contact : Anushavan Margaryan at (212) 870 3515 or

                       Please leave your name, address, telephone number, and email address.