Senator Adams advocates for "Briana's Law"

Eric Adams

June 14, 2012

Senator Adams and Assemblyman Ortiz, with the parents of Briana Ojeda held a press conference calling for the passage of Briana's Law S. 3974/A.1544.  Briana Ojeda, an 11 year old girl, passed away in August 2010.  Briana suffered an asthma attack while playing in Carroll Gardens Park and was en route to the hospital when her mother was stopped by a police officer.  Briana's Law will require that all police men and women, across New York State, be retrained in CPR and first aid every two year after they join the force.  

Senator Adams states: 

“Briana Ojeda would have been excited to begin her summer vacation before entering the eighth grade this coming September. A police officer who lacked training in cardio pulmonary resuscitation is burdened to this day with the memory of the life that could have been, had he had the skill to save the asthmatic young girl. I join my colleagues today in the hopes of having this significant piece of legislation passed to ensure that the lives of many will be spared by the impact of Briana’s loss.”