Statement from NYS Senator Eric Adams: NYS Law Makers Should Not Change Gun Laws for Out-of-Town Visitors

Eric Adams

January 3, 2012

Senator Adams states arrest of South Carolina man carrying machine gun reinforces NYS law makers should not change gun laws for out-of-town visitors

On Monday, January 2, a South Carolinian man was arrested for possession of two guns while entering the NYC subway system. One of weapons was a sub machine gun.

This arrest is the latest of a series of incidents involving out-of-town visitors carrying firearms.

Another arrest involved a Tennesse woman who was in possession of a loaded firearm at Ground Zero.  After her arrest, there was a chorus from several law makers calling for the modification of our gun laws to make allowances for out-of-state visitors who are licensed to carry firearms in their home states.

Any modification of New York City's current firearms regulations that would make exceptions for out-of-towners to carry firearms in New York City is an extremely poor decision which will undoubtedly negatively impact upon New York City's public safety.

Senator Adams states: "New York State currently has very clear gun laws.  If one carries a gun without New York City authorization, that individual will be arrested.  We cannot afford ambiguity when it comes down to firearm enforcement.

Law makers who want to prevent out-of-town visitors from being arrested for carrying guns should impart information and emphasize to visitors that when they visit NYC, lthey must leave their heat at the border.  We must not alter NYC gun possession laws."