Statement from NYS Senator Eric Adams on rejection by GOP for Whitney Houston Resolution

Eric Adams

February 15, 2012

Senator Adams’ statement:

“I was rejected  by the GOP on my request for a resolution honoring the life of singer Whitney Houston.  Reportedly, there was uneasiness about saluting someone who may have died of a drug overdose, and that Houston had no real local ties to New York. 

Houston donated proceeds from the re-release of her 1991 rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner” to 9/11 responders. What message do we send when we honor our football champions for actions on the football field, yet we don't give acknowledgment to those who help the soldiers that have fallen on the battle field?

This action disgraces the contributions that Ms. Houston has made to this country.  I am outraged and find it insulting that the focus has been put on speculation as to how she died rather than how she lived.”Click here for Daily News and Times Union for more coverage of this issue.