Jeremy Warneke

Jeffrey D. Klein

May 18, 2012

Jeremy Warneke

Award: Honoring Our Veterans

Year: 2012

Jeremy Warneke first came to New York in 2004 to be with his Albanian-born wife, Ilma, after having spent 14 months in Iraq as a Military Police Specialist with the Illinois Army National Guard. Prior to this, Jeremy served as a Guardsman at O’Hare International Airport following September 11. For his service in Iraq, he received the Army Commendation Medal.

Transferring from the University of Illinois in Urbana, he completed his undergraduate degree in December 2006 at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville with a 3.61 GPA. In 2007, he pursued a passion for politics by joining the Hillary Clinton for President campaign. Senator Clinton’s office helped Jeremy obtain the GI Bill upon transferring to New York. Clinton also helped supply units such as Jeremy’s with much-needed armor while serving overseas. After the campaign, having a taste of casework with the Clintons, Jeremy wanted to work for an in-office legislator. Not knowing anyone associated with the New York City Council, Jeremy blindly applied for a position with Bronx Council Member James Vacca, whom he began working for full-time in 2008 as a front desk receptionist/caseworker. Jeremy also moved to Pelham Parkway in the Bronx around this time. Jeremy earned the title of District Manager at the Councilman’s office as a result of his tireless work ethic and passion for helping others.

At the December 2010 Bronx Community Board 11 full board meeting, Jeremy received “a full vote of confidence” by the Board when it unanimously selected him to become its fourth District Manager. Since 2011, Jeremy has been, slowly but surely, bringing the Board into the 21st century using Facebook and other technological improvements. It should be noted that Jeremy also hired an assistant recently, who is also an American military veteran. 

Jeremy is a proud Bronxite who in his spare time likes to read, write, exercise, and eat healthy. He’s a participant in the NYU Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans Writing Workshop and a similar workshop offered at Columbia University. A member of the American Legion and the Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America, Jeremy’s also a lung cancer awareness advocate. In 2009, he started an online support group for his nonsmoking, lung cancerstricken cousin, Teresita Warneke. The group was successful in getting Teresita’s name up on the Wrigley Field marquee in Chicago among many other endeavors.