Town of Greece Volunteer Awards Reception

Joseph E. Robach

August 22, 2012

On Saturday afternoon, I had the privilege to speak at, and present at, the Town of Greece volunteer award ceremony. This event is put on annually by the Greece Community Partners organization to recognize residents throughout the community for their service and dedication. Congratulations to all of this year nominees. They are: Anne Caprio, David Codding, Hildegard DiNatale, Betty Fetter, Ruth Fitzgerald, Donald Howard, Dolores Ketchum, Joyce King, Nancy and Jeff Kliss, Ken Kruger, Jim Kunkel, Francis Maslyn, Norm Morrealle, Diana Needham, Marion Palumbo, Ralph Panfil, Kathy Pospula, Eugene Preston, Ken Preston, Mary Ellen Schramm, and Walter Scott. Here I am pictured with Jim Kunkel, who I had the honor to nominate for this award.