More News Around the District for Small Business
Suzi Oppenheimer
March 6, 2012
Learn About New York State Funding Opportunities!
Friday, March 9th @ 8:00-9:30 AM
SL Green
360 Hamilton Avenue,
White Plains, NY
No charge to Attend
This informational forum on securing grants through the NYS funding process is co-sponsored by the Business Council of Westchester and the Westchester County Office of Economic Development, with support from Pattern for Progress.
Last year, Governor Andrew Cuomo created 10 Regional Economic Development Councils, which competed for a pool of $1 billion in grant money through a new streamlined application process. Westchester County organizations, municipalities and businesses received $37 million for a wide range of projects. During his recent State of the State Address, Cuomo announced a second round competition for $200 million. This forum will help grant seekers understand the regional approach and the consolidated funding application. Business owners, municipal officials, nonprofit and LDC staff and others who have traditionally applied for state funding are encouraged to attend.
Note: Participation in this forum does not guarantee funding or preference with the Regional Economic Development Council.
Register online at www.westchesterny.org or use the attached form to RSVP.