News Around the District for Small Business
Suzi Oppenheimer
March 6, 2012
Community Health Advocates RFP
Potential Bidders Call
Wednesday, March 7 @ 4:00 PM
Community Health Advocates (CHA), an initiative of the Community Service Society (CSS), is New York’s nationally-acclaimed health consumer assistance project. CSS has been at the forefront of public policy innovations supporting low-and moderate-income New Yorkers for more than 160 years.
CHA’s Request For Proposals invites mission-driven business service organizations throughout New York State to apply for grants of $20,000 to $60,000 to provide outreach and assistance to small businesses in their communities about health insurance coverage, health reform and small business health insurance tax credits. CHA seeks to establish a small business assistance program (“SBAP”) to educate small businesses about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), provide assistance to small businesses about health insurance and help inform the design and development of the State’s SHOP Exchange.
Possible applicant organizations would include Chambers, Business Improvement Districts, local and economic development councils, and other groups that provide services and support to small businesses at the local level - as well as those who serve hard to reach populations such as immigrant and ethnic business owners.
There will be a Bidders Call on Wednesday, March 7th at 4:00 PM for interested organizations. The call-in number and pin are as follows:
Number - (559) 546-1000
Pin - 397385#
Participation in a Bidders’ Call is not mandatory. You can also find answers to your queries by viewing CHA’s already-posted Q & A at: http://communityhealthadvocates.org/2012-small-business-assistance-program-rfp.
CHA has also extended the deadline for written questions to Wednesday, March 7, at 6:00 p.m. Questions may be emailed to Marva Kalish at mkalish@cssny.org. CHA will post a final Q & A to its website by Thursday, March 8, at 5:00 p.m.
RFP Applications are due on Monday, March 12. The Request For Proposal may be accessed by clicking on the following link: http://communityhealthadvocates.org/2012-small-business-assistance-program-rfp.