Taiwan Ambassador Andrew J.C. Kao Honored by NYS Senate

Velmanette Montgomery

May 23, 2012


The Taiwan-United States Sister Relations Alliance (TUSA) Summer Scholarship Program is an Ambassador program. It is a unique program especially designed for students who will be representing their state as well as the United States, acting as ambassadors to Taiwan. Upon returning to the United States, students will be expected to act as ambassadors of good will for both the United States and Taiwan whenever the opportunity presents itself.

TUSA wants to create closer friendships and understanding between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan. To accomplish our objective, we are offering a unique program to college/university undergraduate/graduate students who are interested in studying Mandarin (Chinese) language and learning about Taiwanese culture.

A stipend of NT $25,000 (US $800) per month for two months (July & August) will be awarded to each scholarship recipient. The scholarship is budgeted to cover tuition, dormitory fees, 4 excursions and incidental insurance. Meals are not included. You must provide your own airfare to and from Taiwan.

For more information, visit www.taiwanusalliance.com and/or email taiwanusalliance.com.