JCY-Westchester 15th Annual Scholarship Brunch

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

June 4, 2013

Leader Stewart-Cousins attended the JCY-Westchester 15th Annual Scholarship Brunch on Sunday, June 2nd at the Royal Regency Hotel in Yonkers, NY to personally thank and congratulate Jay Cheraskin, Ronit Razinovsky and Marty Siegal, recepients of the 2013 Education Leadership Award and scholarship, for their exceptional service to the Yonkers Public Schools.

The JCY-Westchester Community Partners is dedicated to meet the literacy needs of children in the community by creating intergenerational programs that imrpovethe reading and writing abilities of students in K-12. For more information about JCY-Westchester, you can visit their website at www.jcy-wcp.com.