Leader Stewart-Cousins Honored "Trailblazer of Democracy" Award at Eleanor's Legacy Fall Luncheon

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

October 2, 2013

Leader Stewart-Cousins, along with Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Civil Rights Heroes Edie Windsor and Roberta A. Kaplan, was honored with the Trailblazer of Democracy Award for her leadership and committment to fighting for women's rights, and equal rights for all, at the Eleanor's Legacy Fall Luncheon on Wednesday, October 2nd at the Grand Hyatt in New York City. Senators in attendance to support the Leader were Senators Michael Gianaris, Jose M. Serrano, Velmanette Montgomery, Ruth Hassell-Thompson, Terry Gipson and Cecilia Tkaczyk. Click here for the recap of the event.