Westchester for Change Campaign Finance Reform Discussion Forum
On Thursday, April 11th, Westchester for Change hosted an open community forum at the Greenburgh Town Hall in White Plains, NY to discuss campaign finance reform in New York State. Forum participants included Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Assemblywoman Sandy Galef, Jessica Wisneski, Campaigns Director of Citizen Action of New York, and Ian Vandewalker, Counsel at the Brennan Center for Justice, NYU School of Law, and was moderated by Elizabeth Saenger, co-organizer of Westchester for Change.
Leader Stewart-Cousins said of this event, "This forum is a great opportunity to discuss and inform the public about the need for campaign finance reform in New York State, and I thank Westchester for Change for organizing it. Our current campaign finance laws are clearly broken. The voices of every day New Yorkers are too often drowned out by the influence of big money and now is the time for change. The Senate Democratic Conference stands ready to work with Governor Cuomo to enact real campaign finance reform that includes stronger disclosure rules, lower campaign limits and public financing."