Beth A. Broadway

David J. Valesky

May 13, 2013

Beth A. Broadway

Award: Supporting New York’s Heroes

Year: 2013

Beth A. Broadway, is a model community activist. Executive Director of InterFaith Works (IFW), a 37-year-old non-profit organization that affirms the dignity of each person and every faith community, Ms. Broadway has spent her career assisting those in need.

Through its five programs, IFW uses service, education, and dialogue to build bridges in a divided world. It also provides comfort to frail elderly people, job opportunities to healthy seniors, refugee resettlement to 450 new Americans, chaplains in the jails, hospitals, and nursing homes, and dialogues between people of different ethnicities and backgrounds to break down stereotypes and build understanding and alliances. 

Prior to becoming executive director, Ms. Broadway led the Community Wide Dialogue to End Racism (CWD), a program of InterFaith Works in Syracuse, New York. CWD works in grammar schools, middle schools, high schools, and with adults to break down stereotypes, build solid relationships, and address the systemic problem of racism in our community. She initiated the annual Duck Race to End Racism and has been active with the program since it started in 1995, serving as director for eight years.

Ms. Broadway’s commitment to service and making her community a better place to live is endless. She is the designer and facilitator of The Leadership Classroom, a project of the Central New York Community Foundation, which trains and equips neighborhood leaders to develop projects that improve city neighborhoods, and engage neighborhood residents in their community. In addition, she was the principal consultant on the development of the City of Syracuse’s neighborhood planning program, Tomorrow’s Neighborhoods Today. 

The  time, patience and skills that she has brought to every organization have led to the improved quality of life for countless individuals. Ms. Broadway, an award winning quilter and long distance swimmer, is married to Philip Rose, and is step-mother to his children, Vanessa and Brendan.