November is National Diabetes Awareness Month
Eric Adams
November 1, 2013
Dear Constituents:
The brisk winds of fall are blowing steadily, and as we near the day of Thanksgiving, I would like to wish everyone a happy and prosperous holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is one where food takes center stage, and while indulging every now and then is no issue, it is important to monitor your food intake. As November has been designated as National Diabetes Month, I wish to take this time to educating everyone about the risk factors and warning signs of this disease.
Diabetes can lead to severe health problems and complications such as heart disease, stroke, vision loss, kidney disease, nerve damage, and amputation. Type 1 diabetes, which can occur at any age but is most often diagnosed in young people, is managed by a lifetime of regular medication or insulin treatment.
Type 2 diabetes is far more common, and the number of people developing or at elevated risk for the disease is growing at an alarming rate, including among our Nation's children. Risk is highest among individuals over the age of 45, particularly those who are overweight, inactive, or have a family history of the disease, as well as among certain racial and minority groups. While less prevalent, gestational diabetes in expectant mothers may lead to a more complicated or dangerous delivery, and can contribute to their child's obesity later in life.
With more Americans becoming affected by diabetes and its consequences every day, our Nation must work together to better prevent, manage, and treat this disease in all its variations.
For more information on diabetes, visit the American Diabetes Association’s website at http://www.diabetes.org/in-my-community/programs/american-diabetes-month/