Senator Farley Greets Senior Citizens Recognition Day Honoree
Hugh T. Farley
May 8, 2013
- Seniors

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R – Schenectady) had the pleasure of meeting honoree Linda Walsh from his district at the 2013 Senior Citizens Recognition Day on May 7th at the Capitol. The event is hosted by the State Office for the Aging and recognizes older volunteers for their service to fellow New Yorkers. Senator Farley also had the pleasure of recognizing the recipients in the Senate Chamber during Session.
Pictured with Senator Farley are Linda Walsh (left) and her nomiantor,Fulton County Office for Aging Director Andrea Fettinger. Ms. Walsh is club secretary for the Nick Stoner Senior Club. She is a member and past president of the Lion’s Club, and currently serves as District Governor for New York. She started the Mohawk Valley Radiological Society and has also severed as president of the Christian Women’s Society. She is currently an active volunteer for Mountain Valley Hospice.
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