Earth Day 2013 Poster Contest: District 10
April 15, 2013

Dear Students,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the New York State Senate’s Earth Day Poster Contest. This year we received many outstanding posters that exemplify the creativity of the young people in the 10th Senatorial District.
Each entry from my District displayed tremendous originality and vision as well as obvious concern for the ecological future of our communities and our state. I am proud of your work and that of your classmates, and encourage you to continue to study and learn more about the serious challenges that face our environment.
I am pleased to announce that the winner of the 2013 Earth Day Poster Contest from my District is:
Jesus Suarez
Grade 2
PS 223Q
And I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Contest. I also want to thank your family and give special thanks to your teachers, whose dedication and involvement in this event provided the encouragement for you to be creative and participate in the 2013 Earth Day Poster Contest.
Senator James Sanders Jr.
10th Senatorial District
PS 123 Queens
- Angelica Edwards
- Angelica Edwards
- Carissa Samaroo
- Cassim Mills
- Chanel Etkins
- Devin Paul
- Jeremy Perez
- Joshua Hall
- Malik Grant
- Melina Diaz
- Milagros Lora
- Navena Paul
PS 223Q
- Anderson Sanchez
- Arthur Clayborne
- Arub Mazumder
- Brayan Arbaiza
- Diya Singh
- Emily Torres
- Gurvan Whitely
- Harmanpreet Kaur
- Jackie Jones
- Jada Frederick
- Jade Wallace
- Jaiden Augirus
- James Washington
- Jayce Williams
- Jeremiah Gonzalez
- Jesus Suarez
- Joshua Bharat
- Kayla Johnson
- Keyniah Espinal
- Khalia Davis
- Madolley Donzo
- Mia Kelly
- Michelle Fuentes
- Naima Haughton
- Navila Meem
- Nyla Whyte
- Nyzaiah Taylor
- Renee Galpour
- Reshana Prashad
- Rizwan Ahmed
- Rynasia Wilson
- Sarah Diaz
- Sebastian Shaw
- Sherri Codrington
- Stephen Marcelino
- Sydney Balroop
- Tiamani Ferron
- Tyeshaun Felder
PS 306Q-NY Academy for Discovery
- Ada Zhou
- Amanda Rios
- jharleen duran
- Joseph Pinillo
- Kaylla Jauregui
- Nafisa Azizi
- nicole torres
- Yunin Barbas
PS 51Q
PS 52Q
PS 96Q
PS/MS 138
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