Nancy Kronen

John A. DeFrancisco

May 13, 2013

Nancy Kronen


Year: 2013

Nancy Kronen has spent nearly her entire career working and volunteering for nonprofit organizations to improve the lives of countless individuals within the Central New York community. Ms. Kronen has distinguished herself through effective leadership, outstanding character and dedicated community service. 

In her current role as Director of Development and Public Relations for ARISE Child and Family Services in Syracuse, Ms. Kronen is a tireless advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Through hard work and dedication, she has devoted herself to ensure that everyone has a chance to learn and thrive. A further statement of her civic mindedness, Ms. Kronen has also served as Director of Development for The Salvation Army of the Syracuse Area, Director of the Syracuse Weed and Seed Community Partnership, Community Services Manager for Home Headquarters, and Vice President of Housing Visions Unlimited of Syracuse. 

Among her many accomplishments, Ms. Kronen has been instrumental in bringing together diverse stakeholders within the Central New York community in an effort to address serious issues that include housing, education, truancy, prostitution, health disparities, violence prevention, and community policing. She has been instrumental in the development of numerous local programs to help revitalize city neighborhoods, prevent youth violence, provide quality affordable housing, and supply food, shelter and clothing to those in need. 

In addition to her dedicated work experience, Ms. Kronen has served as a board member on various organizations within our community. She is also the proud mother of two accomplished adult children. 

Nancy Kronen is a shining example of how strong leadership, passion   and vision can help enrich communities across this great state.