Senator DeFrancisco Celebrates the 15th Anniversary of PACE CNY

John A. DeFrancisco

May 9, 2013

Senator John A. DeFrancisco helped cut the first piece of cake in celebration of PACE CNY's 15th anniversary.  He is pictured with PACE Director Penny Abulencia, St. Joseph's Hospital President Kathy Ruscitto and Loretto President Bruce Buchanan.  PACE CNY offers all-inclusive homecare to elderly residents living in Onondaga County.

Senator DeFrancisco was instrumental in the startup of PACE CNY.  In 1994, he sponsored legislation that authorized the Department of Social Services to contract for chronic care management programs, allowing Loretto to move forward with PACE operations. 

PACE CNY held a 15th Anniversary Celebration on May 8, 2013, at its Sally Coyne Center in North Syracuse.