Senator DeFrancisco Moderates Common Core Community Forum at Fayetteville-Manlius High School

John A. DeFrancisco

December 4, 2013

On December 3, 2013, State Senator John A. DeFrancisco served as the moderator of a community forum on the Common Core Standards, which was held at Fayetteville-Manlius High School.  New York State Education Commissioner John King attended the forum to answer questions and listen to comments from the public regarding Common Core and teacher evaluations.  About 200 parents, teachers and community members attended the event.  Also participating in the forum were Senator David Valesky, Assembly members, Will Barclay, Al Stirpe and Gary Finch (not pictured in photo), and Board of Regents Vice Chancellor Anthony Bottar.  (Pictured in the photo from left to right are: Assemblyman Barclay, Senator Valesky, Vice Chancellor Bottar, Commissioner King, Senator DeFrancisco, and Asseblyman Stirpe)