Richard R. Keiser

John J. Bonacic

May 19, 2013

Richard R Keiser

Award: Honoring Our Veterans

Year: 2013

Richard R. Keiser served his country admirably during the Vietnam War. He achieved the rank of sergeant and is a disabled decorated combat veteran of Vietnam, US Army 101st Airborne Division. He was wounded on Hamburger Hill in May 1969. He is a member of numerous veterans organizations including: the Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS, Veterans of Foreign Wars (Charter member of Post 1615, Demeola Post and served as Commander).

Mr. Keiser remains current on veterans issues and continues to stay actively involved in numerous veteran organizations. He has taken on several leadership roles relating to veterans issues. As a New York State Commander of the American Legion, he helped work with members of the New York State Legislature to have the Veterans Buy Back Bill passed in 1999. He was the County and State Commander of the New York American Legion and served at the national level as a National Executive Committeeman.

Mr. Keiser’s involvement in veterans organizations include the local, state and national levels. He organized and served as fi rst president of the Sullivan County Coalition of Veterans. He has also served on Congressman Ben Gilman’s Veterans Advisory Council and is a veterans advocate at Castle Point in Virginia. Mr. Keiser was on the board of directors of the Missing in Action Home in Rockland County. He is presently Vice President of the Roscoe Kiwanis.

Professionally, Richard Keiser served for 33 years as an Orangetown Police Detective. During his time with Orangetown, he received numerous citations for heroism, exceptional police investigation and life saving. He also participated in the FBI Academy, New York City Homicide, New York City Sex Crimes and New York City Criminal Investigators Courses. He is also a Certifi ed Crime Prevention  Specialist.

Mr. Keiser has received several awards for his outstanding efforts, including New York State Veteran of the Year in 1994. He was named the NYS Crime Prevention Offi cer of the Year in 1995 and proclaimed an expert in State Supreme Court by Judge Murphy. He graduated 1st Place from the Rockland County Police Academy in 1972. Mr. Keiser is also a life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, where he served as Commander.

Richard R. Keiser lives in Roscoe after retiring from the Orangetown Police Department in 2004. He is a 4th generation Sullivan County Resident. Mr. Keiser is also a frequent writer in the Sullivan County Democrat on veterans issues.