Senator Stavisky and Assemblymember Titus Present Domestic Violence Resolution to Advocates
May 3, 2013

(Queens , NY) Senator Toby Ann Stavisky and Assemblymember Michele Titus stood on the steps of Queens Borough Hall and presented advocates for victims of domestic violence with a recently passed New York State Legislative Resolution. This resolution, A313/S1322, made April 22nd “Domestic Violence Awareness Day” in the State of New York, and as a part of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week.
“For far too many New Yorkers, domestic violence is still a daily reality,” said Senator Stavisky and Assemblymember Titus, who together represent a large portion of Queens stretching from Jackson Heights into the Rockaways. “We want to thank our colleagues for helping to pass this important resolution, and to the assembled advocates for all of the work they do on behalf of this underserved community.”
The legislators made the presentation to Ms. Yuanfen Liu, Executive Director of Garden of Hope, and Ms. Jeehae Lee, Director of Programs at the Korean American Family Service Center. Both groups are based in Queens and provide assistance to people who are victims of domestic violence.
“There may come a day when domestic violence is not an issue about which we need to be concerned,” the legislators added, “but sadly, we are far from that day. There is much more work to do, from extending protections for undocumented women to increasing penalties for perpetrators of sexual violence. This resolution is an important reminder that we have many allies in this fight.”