A Great Environmental Score for State Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins

Andrea Stewart-Cousins

October 15, 2014

State Senator Stewart-Cousins received an 88 on the Environmental Scorecard this year, the highest score of any legislative leader in the New York State Senate. Each year, EPL/Environmental Advocates tracks the voting records of state legislators, assigning points to how they vote or take action on specific environmental legislation.

“Protecting the environment and preserving the natural beauty of our state are top priorities of mine,” said Stewart-Cousins. “The people I represent in the 35th State Senate District can rest assured that I am a strong advocate for preserving the Hudson River, and protecting our drinking water and our children from toxic chemicals.”

“People in the Hudson Valley love their environment. From their parks to their river, clean water and more, people want to live here,” said Peter Iwanowicz, Executive Director of EPL/Environmental Advocates. “Yet for every legislator working to protect all that’s good, another is attempting to roll back the clock and create new giveaways to polluters. Thankfully, the Hudson Valley is represented by more high scorers than any other region.”

Some of the environmental legislation Stewart-Cousins supports include a moratorium on fracking so that all health and environmental impacts can be studied properly, and the Child Safe Products Act, requiring disclosure of chemicals by manufacturers of children’s products. This year she voted for the Community Risk Reduction and Resiliency Act, requiring the state to develop climate change-related zoning laws that local municipalities can adopt. She also voted for the Energy Star state grants, an Energy Star appliance tax break and a Clean Energy Property Tax Exemption. Additionally, she voted for measures aimed at preventing invasive aquatic species, curbing light pollution, limiting the sale of illicit ivory, and advancing clean water protections.