Hailing Assembly Passage of SLA Transparency Legislation

Brad Hoylman

February 3, 2014

I would like to extend my congratulations to Assembly Member Deborah Glick for spearheading passage in the Assembly of A6073, which requires the State Liquor Authority (SLA) to make information pertaining to any conditions it imposes on an on-premises liquor license available on its website. I sponsor the legislation in the Senate (S3077) and know all too well from the communities I represent that residents, community boards and even local police precincts now have no way of knowing the specifics of on-premises liquor licenses. The public, the police, and applicants themselves deserve to know exactly the terms of every license granted by the SLA so they can ensure that establishments that are noisy or raucous well into the morning are operating correctly, and so the law can be appropriately enforced if they are not. I applaud Speaker Silver, Assembly Member Glick, and their colleagues in the Assembly for working to solve this problem for communities across New York City. I am working to ensure that the Senate acts to follow suit.