***RESCHEDULED*** Public Forum on the Child-Parent Security Act


PURPOSE:    To hear from stakeholders regarding New York State’s Child-Parent Security Act (A. 6701/S.4617), and to discuss the impact the legislation would have on the lives of parents,  children, gestational carriers, and gamete donors.

Tuesday April 1, 2014
10:30 A.M.
Legislative Office Building
Hearing Room C
Albany, NY 12210

New York law has failed to keep pace with medical advances in assisted reproduction, causing uncertainty about who the legal parents of a child are upon birth. The Child-Parent Security Act seeks to amend New York State law to permit enforceable gestational carrier agreements, set forth the criteria for such agreements, as well as provide clarity to ensure a child's relationship to his or her parent(s) is legally recognized.

Anyone wishing to testify or attend the forum must complete and return the .pdf form below no later than Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Oral testimony is by invitation only. Individuals who would like an invitation to testify should indicate so on the reply form below.

•    The submission of written testimony is also strongly encouraged and will be included as part of the record.
•    Written testimony must be e-mailed (as a Word or PDF document) by Tuesday, March 25 to: phillips@nysenate.gov.
•    Witnesses should limit oral testimony to five minutes in length. 
•    If you are testifying, please submit one electronic copy of any written statement by Tuesday, March 25 and submit ten hard copies at the forum registration table.

In accordance with State and Federal law, the New York State Legislature seeks to make its facilities and services available to all individuals with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for individuals with disabilities, upon request.

Questions about this public forum may be directed to Burton Phillips, Counsel to State Senator Brad Hoylman, at (518) 455-2452 or phillips@nysenate.gov.