West Village Slow Zone Update

Brad Hoylman

July 10, 2014

On June 25, I received a response from the Department of Transportation (DOT) to my letter echoing CB2’s call for an expansion of the West Village Slow Zone one block east to Sixth Avenue. While I am disappointed that the DOT did not commit to an expansion at this time due to planning and time constraints, I am encouraged by the agency’s commitment to consider the additional area as a second phase to the slow zone. Additionally, to alleviate risk in the short-term, the DOT will be conducting a feasibility study for the placement of speed humps near the schools within the additional area. On July 9, I sent a letter to DOT requesting a timeframe for when these actions will be undertaken, and also asked for consideration of a pedestrian-friendly “complete streets” redesign of 7th Avenue South. Please see my letter below.