Honor Those Who Made the Ultimate Sacrifice this Memorial Day

Catharine Young

May 23, 2014

Memorial Day may be a time when we enjoy a long weekend, relax with the family, and kick off the summer, but we must always remember that those freedoms have been fought for and defended by countless veterans, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice.

Without them, without their selfless dedication, none of what we are so fortunate to have in America would be possible.

So this weekend, I encourage you to attend a local parade or memorial event.

Almost every community in our area will host a Memorial Day event honoring those brave Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives in defense of our rights and freedoms. I will be attending several and hope you have the opportunity to do so as well.

Whether you spend your Memorial Day weekend at a local event, working, or relaxing, please take time to reflect on what it truly means to live in freedom and what it truly means to be an American.

I wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend and a great start to the summer season.

Warmest regards,

Senator Cathy Young
57th District